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Uploaded 20-May-16
Taken 19-May-16
Visitors 148
2 of 936 photos


Students receiving associate degrees in nursing during the 57th Spring Commencement at the College of Southern Maryland May 19 from St. Mary’s County included, first row from left, Bailey Norberg, Lindsey Berry, Jessie Bodecker, Danielle Brooks and Tarsha Collins; second row from left, Crystal Dodson, Abigail Edejer, Sandra Fischer, Lindsey Forbes, Sam Griffith and Ana Claudia Malini; and third row from left, Stephanie Ryan, Shelby Sasscer, Molly Stine, Tina Stone, Holley Willis, Tiffany Wilson and Sara Yerkes.
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D750, f/5.6 @ 28 mm, 1/60, ISO 1600, Flash
